Open Day Classes ended succesfully
Open day is a unique experience in the ELGS
The ELGS postgraduate students along with participating students from Greece had the chance to listen to two eminent professors’ lectures namely Raj Chari, Professor of Political Science in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, on EU Integration & EU Governance and Jaap de Zwaan, Professor of European Union Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam lecturing on Migration and EU Asylum.
The events took place at the EPLO premises in Athens on January 12 and 15 of 2018. During the first event a Meet & Greet session with VIP professors from the ELGS network also took place.
Professor Mario Pilade Chiti, President of the Faculty Board of the ELGS, Emeritus Judge and Professor at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, Italy, Professor Martina Conticelli, Visiting Professor at the ELGS, Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy and Professor David Duarte, Visiting Professor at the ELGS , Professor at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
All three professors gave a brief presentation of their career accomplishments and shared their experiences and basic decisions with regards to their studies and career, what lead them to choose their actual career path, what proved to be successful or not.