[youtube width=”640″ height=”340″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW4QEKSk6BE[/youtube]
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Mihail Stasinopoulos European Public Law Library
[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#fff” background=”#35355c”]W[/dropcap]ith of over 35,000 volumes on Public Law and the related fields of international, comparative and EU law, as well as Human Rights, the Academy’s European Public Law Library is one of the largest specialized academic law libraries in Europe. Its corpora on national law covers over 50 countries worldwide.
Founded in 1995, the Library holds collections in printed form in more than 13 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Czech, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian).
In addition to the extensive collection of periodicals, which enumerates upward of 70 titles, the “European Public Law Organization” has developed and maintains the journal exchange program between the “European Review of Public Law” and prestigious legal journals.
The Library journal collection includes: Quaderni Constituzionali (Italy), Revue de droit Monégasque (Monaco), University Law Journal (Ukraine), Juridica International (Estonia), Arhiv za pravne i drustvene nauke, Pravni Zapisi (Serbia), Bulletin Ştiinţific (Romania), Revue française d’administration publique (France), European Constitutional Law Review (Netherlands), Journal of International and Comparative Law, Pittsburg Law Review, Chicago-Kent Lew Review (USA), and many other active and inactive journals.
On a constant basis the library receives the updates from the Court of Justice of the European Union (in English and Greek), from the Human Right Information Bulletin (in English and French) of the Council of Europe and from the Case-Law Information Note (in English and French) of the European Court of Human Rights.
A unique library comprised of theses of 100 PhD Candidates completes the collection.
The Library welcomes and constantly receives thematic literature donations in various languages both from individuals and institutions.